Is this the moment the flame sparks? Or it thrives, or it ends? What does the ember want us to see? The ember fuels and reveals our movements. A spirit of time, it glows, showing the active lessons of our past and present and future. With this notion at the heart of our work, DanceWest presents EMBER – a live dance performance about observing our journey through time.

From contemporary and hip hop to ballet and African, the show will feature a variety of dances and choreography by students and our fabulous guest artists Farah Zoetmulder, Katie Allison, Mario Vinoya, Natalia Gavarrete, and Sankofa Dance Theater. 

Each dance tells a story and yearns for answers. What can we learn from our past? What do we carry forward with us? What can we let go of? May we learn to share the light of the ember and the goodness we find in the glow.

Pre-purchase tickets now.

Showing December 10 and 11 at 7pm in the West High Auditorium